“In 1990, more than 1 billion people depended on rivers, streams, or other unsafe surface sources for drinking water. In many developing countries, even municipal piped well water is unsafe, because of inadequately maintained pipes, low pressure, intermittent delivery, lack of chlorination, and clandestine connections. For example, Vibrio cholerae was repeatedly isolated from unchlorinated municipal water systems in
-Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Back in 1990 more than 1 billion people only used natural outside resources for their water that was unsafe. Piped well water was also unsafe as the pipes were not kept clean or efficient; the pipes also did not help disinfect the water from waterborne diseases. In
That's disturbing to see that more than 1 billion people were drinking unsafely. I have never liked water ever since the well at my former house was being filtrated and i saw water coming from the fridge come out black. Now the water was fixed and people drank it, but I wouldn't touch it ever since. To hear that well pipes often aren't kept clean I'm glad to hear I didn't! This blog really opened my eyes that our water isn't safe in the slightest.