Randy Newman - It's a Jungle Out There

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Background info I already know...

Humans can't go without water for more then 3 days; I found this out from a survival show on the Discovery Channel. I know that a parasite has to feed on another living organism and that sometimes when the water we flush down the toilet goes to the water plant to be filtrated it can come back through your sink water after filtration. I know there are many steps to the water filtration process. I have also discovered as I said in the post below cryptosporidium parvum is a parasite that can be caught through water and, the first human case was in 1976. Crptosporidium before usually just affected cattle. The picture to the left shows what crptosporidium looks like. The syptoms of crptosporidium are quite horrific, for they include frequent watery diarrhea, nausea, vomiting abdonminal cramps, and a low fever. For an immunocompromiised person the symptoms are even worse.They include debilitating cholera-like diarrhea (up to 20 liters a day), severe abdominal cramps, malaise, fever, weight loss, and anorexia so, I sure hope todays water filtration is better than in 1976.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How did I think of this topic?

Well, I went to a online random word generator and kept refreshing it till I found an interesting word. The word parasite popped up which made me think of the show Monsters Inside Me from Animal Planet; Monsters Inside Me is basically a show about people telling their stories about when they had a parasite eating them. I then typed in types of parasites into google and clicked on the closest edu site. I scrolled down till I found the most interesting name for a parasite and, I found cryptosporidium parvum which reminded me of kryptonite. I researched cryptosporidium and found that it could be caught from drinking water and humans can't go without water for three days. It never said where or exactly how though which lead me to the question, "How protected are we really from diseases and parasites that could be lurking in our drinking water in America?"